LMS Features Tour

Implementation & Support

Our learning solutions experts have helped hundreds of organizations just like yours successfully implement, launch, and continue to grow with an LMS.

A responsive team is in your corner

Amazing LMS Support

Our knowledgeable LMS Success Desk® team is happy to work with clients at every level. Whether you’re a brand new prospect or a long-time client, you’ll receive the same exceptional support.

No other LMS will support you the way we do

It's our not-so-secret, secret sauce!

Our Success Desk team provides onboarding, training, and real-time support so you can make the most of your eLearning investment. No matter our clients’ training goals, we are committed to meeting and exceeding their expectations.

Collage of two images: top-right is a photo of a customer support representative talking into her headset while looking at a monitor, and overlaid on the image off to the side is a speech bubble with an ellipsis. Bottom-right is a woman cheerfully gesturing at her laptop screen, and overlaid, just to the top-right of her image, is a speech bubble with a red heart.

What does LMS support mean to us?

We strive for no less than the best when it comes to supporting you. Our friendly, respectful team will do everything they can to bring you fast solutions and advice on making your eLearning dreams a reality.

We’ll develop a relationship with you

Building personal connections is our superpower.

SmarterU’s Success Desk team fosters a strong relationship with your organization. This way, we’re well-equipped to understand and anticipate your needs.

A woman with a big smile, wearing a blue and white check shirt and wavy brown hair and a man in a light blue, button-up shirt and glasses looking at a shared tablet that the man is holding. They're surrounded by several icons that represent relationship building: two hands clasping, a group of people, a speech bubble with lines, an open envelope with a letter peeking out, a target with an arrow in the middle, a mobile phone, a star, a heart, and a lightbulb. All icons are connected by solid and dotted lines.

Every support conversation is just for you

Your organization is one of a kind, your LMS support should be too.

There are no scripts here. Our support team considers how you use your SmarterU LMS and tailors each call to your specific usage goals. We can explore other tools in your ecosystem too, saving you from having to go back and forth between vendors.

Fabricated UI of a SmarterU Learner Dashboard. To the top left is an arrow showing "SmarterU Support"; in the bottom-right corner are two photos, one that shows a happy man labelled "Client," and the other a cheerful woman in a headset labelled "SmarterU Support."

Answers, not wait times

We measure ourselves on meaningful guidance, not automated responses.

Our lightning-fast support team won’t keep you waiting when you need assistance. Even though we boast quick response times, we’ll never make you feel rushed. Instead, we devote as much time as it takes to provide the best possible solution and make sure it’s to your satisfaction.

Illustrated representation of SmarterU Support: a laptop with a a large yellow envelope popping out over top, with a paper poking out, containing a green check mark. Below the illustration, the SmarterU support response times are listed: 40-minute median response time for Standard Support, and 25-minute median response time for Premium Support.

We don’t make assumptions, we dig into the root of your request

Whatever your question may be, our team will always go the extra mile just to make you smile.

We won’t rush you to the quickest solution, our goal is to find the best solution. That’s why we treat LMS support inquiries as a dialogue where we learn about your business operations while answering your question. Armed with this knowledge, we will shape effective solutions that fit within your business model.

Collage of images: In the top-left corner, a square showing a woman showing documents that are laid out on a table to another woman; to the right, another square showing two coworkers sitting at a table with a laptop, and behind them a small whiteboard filled with a chart and sticky notes; to the right of that is another square showing an icon of a target with an arrow in the middle; below the icon is a square showing a man making a gesture with his hands next to a paper chart; to the left of that, a large circle icon with a question mark; and to the left of that and below the first image, is a woman holding a phone to her ear with her right shoulder while making notes on a paper.

We're in business to serve you!

SmarterU’s LMS features are driven by client feedback; if there’s something you want to see, let us know!

We see every client interaction as an opportunity to learn something new! You are always welcome to let us know how we can enhance our LMS for yourself and others. Every quarter, we also utilize NPS (Net Promotor Score®) to track overall client satisfaction and quickly adapt if needed.

Representative illustration of a roadmap. A grey, winding road with five map markers placed at intervals along the road. Each marker has a different icon: a rocket, a file, a stack of images, an upload cloud, and s star with a question mark. In the corner, a cartoon character with classes, representing a customer support person.

We’ll help you get the most out of SmarterU

Our LMS is feature-rich. We’ll help you identify which features are most important for your organization.

We understand that no two organizations will use all of the same LMS features. We’ll work with you to determine which features best fit your eLearning goals and show you how to use them to their fullest potential.

Fabricated user interface o the SmarterU application's Admin Dashboard. An area of a graph on the top of the page is being magnified by a large circle.
How we support you...

Pick your preferred communication channel!

Our LMS Success Desk team will communicate with you based on your chosen method.

Prefer email? You can email support anytime to receive a meaningful, human response within 30 minutes during regular business hours.

Prefer live chat? Our team is on standby to answer your questions immediately in SmarterU’s integrated live chat.

Prefer to schedule a meeting? You can easily book a phone call or live video chat with our team. Live video chats include screen sharing, so we can walk you through any process if desired.

Collage of representative images and icons for support channels. To the top-left is the Help Request callout box that lives in the SmarterU application. Surrounding the right side, bottom, and bottom-right corner of that square are 3 icons: an open envelope with a letter, a video recorder in a speech bubble, and a mobile phone with a traditional phone icon inside. To the right of these icons is a fabricated UI of the in-app chat.

Industry-leading support made even better!

All of our clients benefit from our included standard LMS support, but Premium Support options are also available.

When you consider the rapid response times, client-first communication, and customized solutions we offer, you might be wondering how our support services could possibly get any better. With Premium Support, you can enjoy even faster response times, extended support hours, and 24/7 emergency support.

Cheerful customer support representative wearing a headset. To the left, is a fabricated user interface of the in-app chat. Below, a bubble that states "25-minute median response time"

We can handle your unique support needs

Want a little extra support that extends to your end-users, not just your administrators?

No problem. We can expand the scope of our contracts to include supporting your eCommerce customers, learners, instructors, and more.

In the center, a circle with a smiling man in a headset. Radiating out are three circles with dotted outlines. On the farthest outer circle are 5 circles containing images of: a delivery man looking at a tablet, a barista at a cash register, a woman sitting at a desk in front of a laptop, a corporate-looking man holding a mobile phone and a credit card, and a woman sitting at a desk, pouring over documents. Scattered around these images are icons (a delivery truck, a shopping cart, a graduation cap, a star, a life-ring, and a heart), and 5 cartoon portraits of diverse people.

All things SmarterU at your fingertips

Our on-demand, in-depth resources can help you become a SmarterU LMS expert.

Get SmarterU certified! We provide free, unlimited  SmarterU administrator training through our SmarterU Academy. The Academy is based on real-life scenarios, helping your administrators quickly understand how to best use our LMS features for your organization.

Want to know more about how something works? Visit the SmarterU Support Center for a detailed knowledge base of articles that describe all of SmarterU's features.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and never miss a new feature overview or release announcement.

Combination of 3 images of fabricated, simplified user interfaces for: the Smarteru help system,  the SmarterU Academy, and the SmarterU YouTube channel. Surrounding these images are three icons: One of a download cloud, one of a clock, and one of a calendar.

Looking for amazing LMS support?

Talk to one of our learning solutions experts and find out how you can experience world-class support.

Get the most from your LMS administrative team

LMS Administrator Training

We provide free, unlimited SmarterU administrator training to your team, transforming them into your organization’s LMS experts.

Collage of four images. Top-left shows a representative illustration of a SmarterU Academy course slide; Top-right is a photo of a man looking thoughtfully at his laptop screen; Bottom-left shows sand castle in a sandbox; Bottom-right is a photo of an office space with three employees typing on their desktop keyboards. Randomly placed around these images are icons of: a cog, stars, a phone, a graduation cap, and the SmarterU brain icon. In the center of the collage is an icon of two users with a cog.Collage of four images. Top-left shows a representative illustration of a SmarterU Academy course slide; Top-right is a photo of a man looking thoughtfully at his laptop screen; Bottom-left shows sand castle in a sandbox; Bottom-right is a photo of an office space with three employees typing on their desktop keyboards. Randomly placed around these images are icons of: a cog, stars, a phone, a graduation cap, and the SmarterU brain icon. In the center of the collage is an icon of two users with a cog.

Flexible LMS training for administrators

We offer unlimited training opportunities for your LMS admin team.

  • SmarterU Academy: a complimentary online course that examines SmarterU’s features.
  • SmarterU LMS Sandbox: a “practice account” available upon request and free of charge.
  • Coaching Calls: expert consultation on specific projects or initiatives in your LMS.
Choose your LMS Admin training service...

Prepare your LMS administration team for real-world scenarios

All administrators at your organization can enjoy free, unlimited access to the SmarterU Academy. As they progress through the Academy’s content, your team gets to see SmarterU’s LMS in action while learning about some helpful tips and tricks.

Upon completion, each administrator will be presented with a printable “SmarterU Certified” certificate. SmarterU Certified administrators enjoy priority responses from our support team as an added incentive.

A fully-featured account separate from your organization’s primary account

Each organization using SmarterU can request a free sandbox account to try new features, practice the theory learned during the SmarterU Academy, and experiment with different settings or collaboration techniques without affecting your main SmarterU account.

Illustration of a blue sandbox filled with yellow sand, a tall sandcastle in the center with a green bucket left on top. Around the sandbox are 3 images: one of two women looking over a tablet, one of a man gesturing in front of a bunch of bar charts attached to a magnetic board, and a man wearing headphones, sitting in front of a laptop. Scattered around are a few icons: a bar chart, a pie chart, a tablet, a cog, and a lightbulb. The SmarterU brain icon is also floating just to the top-left of the sandcastle, in a bubble with a blue-purple gradient.

Receive expert coaching based on your organization’s needs

With different coaching packages available, our LMS experts will build a tailored plan specific to your goals – advising you on the best way forward to achieve them. And after the session is over, we send you a copy of the recording to pass to other team members or refer to as often as you like.

Illustration of a laptop with a cartoon man standing on the keyboard area, looking thoughtful. On the screen of the laptop is a stock photo of a cheerful man in a light beige sweater vest, gesturing at the screen, as if on a webcam. Around the laptop are a few icon elements: a target, a cog, a lightbulb, a bar chart, and a clipboard with a list. There are also two speech bubbles, one green and one blue, showing a conversation occurring between the cartoon man and the man in the photo.

Cut a giant task down to size

LMS Implementation Services

Launching your LMS can be an enormous undertaking. At SmarterU, we simplify the process with our in-house LMS implementation specialists guiding you at every step along the journey.

We know your learning ecosystem is more than just an LMS

Our implementation specialists are seasoned veterans in digital learning, so they understand how to connect your LMS to the rest of your training environment.

When you work with a SmarterU LMS implementation specialist, you work with someone who offers a unique blend of eLearning expertise and practical business experience. Therefore, our team's implementation advice will consider other tools in your ecosystem, how to get your stakeholders engaged, and more to drive a successful LMS launch every time.

Get expert guidance from planning to launch and beyond

Throughout every step of the implementation process, we’ll be right by your side.

Every SmarterU LMS implementation process includes a planning, configuration, and launch stage. You can let one of our in-house implementation specialists take the driver’s seat and map your project’s life cycle, evaluate current versus future needs, configure your account, run pilot tests, and perform a post-live analysis.

As a former SmarterU client, I know firsthand what you need to get your LMS up and running. Let me guide you through a successful implementation and launch.
Jodane Christoffersen
Director, Strategic Execution Group
Woman with long blond hair wearing glasses and a blue cardigan over a pale beige-pink shirt.
Learn more about LMS implementation...

Your LMS implementation starts with a conversation

We help you design a training program that meets your goals.

The first step to attaining your ideal LMS is to know what you need it to do and how to make that happen. From day one, our in-house LMS implementation specialists will take the time to understand your short and long-term eLearning goals, other tools and integrations in your training ecosystem, and the needs of all of your stakeholders. Using this knowledge, we leave nothing up to chance and guide you through all necessary decisions with clarity.

Collage of images. In the center of the image is a photo of coworkers in an office board room having a virtual meeting with another set of six people. Circling this photo is 2 dotted lines, along which are scattered icons: a light bulb, a check list, a clock, a pie chart, a file, and a clipboard. To the right of the center image is a photo of a woman smiling and writing on a sticky note. To the bottom-left of the center is a photo showing a group of four people having a meeting around a computer. To the top-right is a representative image of a Gantt chart.

Align your account configuration with your training goals

With the plan in place, it’s time to configure your LMS account.

At this point in the process, our LMS implementation specialists will provide strategic guidance to your administrators as they build your SmarterU learning environment. We’ll work with your team to make sure each feature is implemented in a way that matches the goals you set during our planning phase.

Representative illustrations of: a SmarterU custom dashboard with course tiles and a leaderboard; a SmarterU dashboard with a close-up of rows which have checkmarks and exes.

LMS launch and post-launch analysis

Our relationship continues long after your LMS launch, making sure you get the most from your SmarterU subscription.

When your LMS launches, it’s just the beginning of our partnership with you. We can guide you through various changes to your account, work with you to establish a pilot of your training program, help answer questions from stakeholders and learners, and provide coaching for administrative tasks.

As your LMS rolls out across your organization, we’ll help you navigate reports showcasing invaluable metrics giving you awareness to make decisive business decisions.

Illustration of a rocket ship on a laptop screen, blasting out of the frame. To the left and bottom of the latop and rocket, are icons of an arrow hitting bullseye, pie charts, a bar chart, and a representative shot of a SmarterU admin dashboard.

Get a headstart with LMS implementation!

There’s nothing better than watching our clients’ plans come to fruition. Talk to our experts to watch your LMS go from inception to launch without hassle.

Consistent Management for your LMS

LMS Managed Services

Have a vision of your perfect training program but are short on resources to put your plan into action? Our LMS Managed Services team is available on a short- or long-term basis.

An illustration that shows a browser screen filled with six squares. In each square is a different character, as if in a video chat screen. In the bottom-left corner of the illustration, a man is sitting at a desk, having a video call with one of the faces shown in the big video collage.

A set of expert remote hands is always there when you need them

If you’re between hires, have staff on leave, or for any other reason, a member of our team can be your lead LMS administrator!

We offer comprehensive LMS Managed Services that let you bring one of us on board as your LMS administrator. On a temporary or permanent basis, a SmarterU expert can complete daily user and course management services, run reports, and even communicate with your stakeholders as your organization's LMS administration team.

Why use LMS Managed Services?

Any administrative duty, any time you need

No task is too big or too small; a SmarterU LMS expert can do it all!

When you use our Managed Services, we can:

  • Perform daily tasks such as user management, course delivery, and completion reporting.
  • Help your internal adminstrators or trainees leverage SmarterU’s rich features.
  • Streamline training delivery across your organization.
  • Schedule custom reports with your specific metrics.
  • And anything else you need — just ask us!
Illustration of two figures assembling a representation of a SmarterU dashboard. One figure is pointing to the screen, while another adds a leaderboard to the right-hand side.

Prevent coverage gaps in your eLearning program!

A substitute administrator keeps everything running smoothly.

Your learners need consistency in their training, and your organization needs every position adequately covered. When you’re temporarily down an administrator, both these things are at risk. Bridge the gap by bringing in our LMS Managed Services team. This way, you can save on the costly overhead of a temporary hire and trust an expert who already understands your eLearning goals.

An illustration of a bridge with 3 calendars below labelled as "Monthly," Quarterly," and "Annually". Above the bridge are four map-style markers with stars, and to the far right of the bridge is a character of a smiling woman.

Proactive communication keeps everything under control

We’ll establish a cadence of communication with you to help you keep your hand on the pulse of your organization’s training.

Our Managed Services team takes a proactive approach to client communication. We want to make sure you’re always satisfied with your LMS, and if you tell us about any challenges, we’ll dig in to find out how to fix them. We can also work alongside your internal administration team, uncover any potential usage gaps, and coach your administrators on how to fill them.

An illustration of two overlapping pieces of paper, which have representative graphs, pie charts, and stats. To the left is a photo of a cheerful man chatting into a mic on his headset.

Tie your environment all together

LMS Integrations

We’d love to be part of your digital learning ecosystem. Our LMS integrations make it easy to connect and work with your other tools.

Use technology to your advantage

Our team can connect SmarterU to another software platform so that you can enjoy automatic data transfers.

Data entry tasks that once took hours can be done in mere minutes with SmarterU’s data sync capabilities. Simply choose which platform you would like to pull data from, whether it’s a CRM, HRIS, ERP, or something else, and we’ll facilitate regular data syncs to keep your information consistent across platforms. Is there data in SmarterU that you’d like to put somewhere else? Our integrations are bidirectional, so we can do that too!

A collage of several representative SmarterU dashboards, along with an icon of a user and a sync icon (two arrows in a continuous circle).
Illustration of two people looking at a large monitor. On the monitor is a representative image of a SmarterU dashboard, showing various graphs. One of the characters is gesturing at the screen while the other is looking at the screen, holding an oversized wrench. Above them and the monitor, float various icons: star, cloud with up and down arrows, a magic wand, code brackets, an envelope, a magnifying glass, a puzzle piece, and a bar chart.

Need a custom LMS integration?

The only limit is your imagination when it comes to our custom projects.

Have a unique use-case, business plan, or training operation? We’d be happy to hear about it! Our team is well-versed in a wide range of custom eCommerce and user registration systems, and we have built custom plug-ins for specific client workflows in the past. With our talented team at the helm of your custom project, you’ll be able to use your LMS in ways you’ve only dreamt of before.

Integrations implemented intelligently

Our LMS is designed to work with your other software tools. We trust that you know what makes your eLearning environment great, and we’re happy to work ourselves into it.

Scheduled data syncs

When we set up an automatic data sync for you, data transfers between your LMS and other software tools will happen regularly. However, you get to decide what that schedule is! We can do real-time, daily, weekly, or any other timetable imaginable.

LMS data migration

If you were already using another LMS, you don’t have to start from scratch when you switch to SmarterU. We can seamlessly migrate any data from your old LMS, including courses, user profiles, and more, into your new SmarterU account.

Self-registration forms

As well as user syncs, you can also create a learner registration form. New user profiles will be automatically created and populated with information provided by each registrant.


You can sell courses or course subscriptions through popular eCommerce platforms, such as Shopify or WordPress' WooCommerce plug-in.

Business intelligence

Use your business intelligence tool of choice to report on data from your SmarterU account. We can establish a data feed between SmarterU and your BI software, such as PowerBI or Tableau, so you can incorporate accurate data from your LMS into your business intelligence reports.

Custom integrations

Talk to our team if you need or want a create a workflow, setup automation, create a plug-in, or any other custom project. You’ll be pleasantly surprised when we make the previously implausible possible.

Get more done in less time with LMS integrations!

Save time and prevent human error with automated data syncs while improving workflows with a custom project. Talk to one of our learning solutions experts to find out how we can help.

Someone you know is always available

LMS Account Management

When you choose SmarterU LMS, you’ll always have an expert on hand to answer any technical or account-related questions.

You’ll always know who to talk to

With you each step of the way as we build a relationship and share in the success of your training program!

We believe that fostering a strong relationship between our organization and yours is a key to success. That’s why we offer account management services from experienced professionals who can answer any questions about your contract, provide additional technical support, work with you through changes at your organization, and more.

Every account manager will work with you from day one, so you’ll always be able to turn to someone who knows your specific eLearning needs.

Business Account Manager, Alan Meilleur. A man wearing glasses, with a slight smile and short brown hair, in a charcoal grey blazer and black button-up shirt.Leader of the Support Group and Technical Account Manager, Chris Wood. A cheerful man with a short ginger-colored beard, wearing a blue sweater vest over a pale blue-striped button-up shirt.
Alan Meilleur
Business Account Manager
Chris Wood
Technical Account Manager

We’re powered by your feedback

Client-driven Development

We build our LMS features based on years of client feedback. Therefore, we know that SmarterU is expertly designed to provide users like you with the powerful, intuitive experience you want.

Learn about client-driven development...
A group of illustrated characters, three of which are sitting/standing around a table with open laptops, and the fourth is standing by a chart.

How do we know you’ll love our LMS?

Because clients like you told us what's important to them, and we built it!

The people who use SmarterU every day are our best source of inspiration for the new features we create. We actively solicit and listen to your suggestions on how to make SmarterU your best LMS experience.

Illustration of three individuals interacting with an oversized calendar. The calendar is split into four sections, each labeled as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. One character is placing a piece of generic text content on to the calendar in Q1. Another write in a piece of content onto Q4. The third character is sitting on the edge of the top-right corner, typing on a laptop. Around the calendar are icons: cogs, a trophy, stars, a file, a checkmark, and a light bulb.

New features every quarter

Each quarterly release includes a combination of great new features and enhancements.

Every quarter, SmarterU LMS releases a major update that may include brand new features or enhancements to our current interface. Potentially, your feedback may become part of our next release!

We listen to your eLearning needs, are you ready to be heard?

Get an LMS, and much more, from a friendly team who you’ll love working with!

Clients love working with us!

We’re confident that we’ll provide you with an excellent solution, but don’t just take our word for it. Hear from a few of the organizations that have found success with SmarterU.

SmarterU has allowed us to provide our customers with the best learner experience possible. Over the years using SmarterU, with their help we have been able to grow our business, increase our training options, and provide a seamless experience to our customers.

The support team is always willing to go above and beyond to resolve any issues that we may have. They even help our clients directly when need be. I cannot say enough positive things about the entire SmarterU team!

Salvatore P.
Canadian Food Safety Group
Client since 2014

"SmarterU is great for the ease of use, responsiveness of customer service if there is an issue, and suggestions are implemented proving that they actually listen to the users."

Jacqueline B.
Metal Supermarkets

"The support staff is great! I love the chat feature. Someone is always quick to respond."

Marla Q.
American Pacific Mortgage

"I enjoy using SmarterU because of the customer service and implementation experience."

Matt B.
You want answers, not wait times. We boast a fast response time, but our responses are always meaningful. When our Success Desk team gets back to you, it’s with the details you need.

Meet the SmarterU LMS Success Desk team leaders (from left to right) – Chris, Alli, and Jodane

Leader of the Support Group and Technical Account Manager, Chris Wood. A cheerful man with a short ginger-colored beard, wearing a blue sweater vest over a pale blue-striped button-up shirt.Leader of Managed Services, Alli Chernoff. A smiling woman with short brown hair, wearing a black  cardigan over a royal purple shirt with a slight cowl neck.Woman with long blond hair wearing glasses and a blue cardigan over a pale beige-pink shirt.

Learning solutions experts ready to help!

We’re with you each step of the way as we build a relationship and share in the success of your training program!

Industry-leading LMS support!

We get back to you with practical responses that let you move your day forward — in 30 minutes or less.

Schedule a personalized, no-obligation LMS demo!

When you're ready, start the conversation with one of SmarterU's learning solutions experts! We'll help you find the best way forward with training that empowers your employees and achieves your business goals!

Brandon Hall HCM Excellence Award - Learning and Development Gold Award 2024
#19 of the top 20 Learning Management Systems in the world in 2023 according to The Craig Weiss Group
Training Industry 2022 Watchlist Learning Management System award
SmarterU LMS is a top 15 all-purpose learning system according to Talented Learning 2023 list by John Leh